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In the year before the omicron variant began to spread in the United States, an estimated one-third of 18- to 45-year-olds had gotten sick with COVID-19. Just three months later, that figure doubled, and I was among the people who caught the coronavirus for the first time. I was in the first wave of people who got omicron in December 2021, as I was finishing my fall semester at Cornell University. On the day I received my positive test result, I knew it was coming. I had a sore throat, cough and my whole body ached. For the next several days, I was so tired that I had to sleep for more than half the day while trying to finish my final exams and help report on the outbreak for my college daily newspaper. Days later, after taking every vitamin, supplement and over-the-counter medicine I could get, I tried to get back to my normal routine, starting with a workout on Zoom. I found myself needing to stop every couple of minutes to catch my breath. Sign up for e-mail updates on the l...